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Cottonelle's fresh care flushable cleansing cloths do just that. They are thick enough to not fall apart as you wipe but thin enough to break down as a flushable wipe would.
What I liked about them: Of course I love that they were flushable. Just use and flush(no messing with smelly trash--sorry to be grossly blunt). Even though my kids are no longer potty training toddlers, with special needs kids there can be bathroom issues. So these Cottonelle cleansing cloths are convenient and easy for them to use. The scent was not overwhelming and didn't irritate.
What I didn't like about them: The dispenser was an upright(see pic above); there were several times the wipes didn't come out and I would have to open the dispenser and manually push through. This made it very inconvenient especially for my kids. I am not saying this cannot happen with regular wipe dispensers but it does seem to happen less in my personal experience. I also received a Kroger coupon to try Cottonelle toilet tissue for free; but had to go to several Krogers before I found it. Other than the inconvenience both tissue and cleansing cloths were a great experience for our family.
*This product along with coupons was given to me from BzzAgent in exchange for my honest review.